Monday, February 20, 2012

JOHN A BERRY and his last letter

Anyone knows who is he? Yes, for you guys who study at Wall Street Institute, I bet you definitely know that he is John A Berry. John is the most famous character in the speaking centre. 

Who is John A Berry?
American, 33, a junior manager. The Candide of the story, nerdy, geeky, nervous, insecure, invasive, insensitive, yet fundamentally loveable. Always devising mad schemes to seduce unattainable women or to gain wealth and success.
Today, 20 February 2012 is my last day in WSI. It's been interesting journey that I had here. I remember 09 February 2012 was my last encounter in WSI for unit 48. The day before that day I got a surprising letter from John Berry. Really unpredictable that he would send me a letter as farewell letter. Here it is.
John Berry Associates
Apartement 1672287
Lower Mean Street
Queens, New York
A message to all students at Wall Street Institute: 
Dear friends,
It is with a great deal of sadness that I pick up my pen to write these words, or, to be more accurate, I pick up my computer. Well, I don’t actually pick it up, because there’s no need to: I put it down, really, rather than picking it up.
Anyway, as I was saying, it is with a considerable amount of regret that I put down my laptop to write these words, or to type them, rather.
My friends (for I feel that we have become friends, following all those hours we’ve spent alone together in the Speaking Center), you and I have kept each other company throughout this long journey, which is now about to end.
You have been the travelers, and I have been your guide. Through me, you have learned to speak English, the world’s most widely-spoken language, and you have also learned a wide range of business and professional skills, such as successful salesmanship, and how to behave in a job interview.
I have also entertained you with my wonderful collection of Tony Moroni records, and, I hope, helped to make the world a less confusing and upsetting place for you by passing on something of my own philosophy of life.
The question you will no doubt be asking yourselves at this point is: “How will we manage in the future without John’s support and advice?” The thought that when you have completed your study of this course you will be on your own must be terrifying you.
Well, my friends, I’ve got great news for you; you needn’t be on your own. John Berry Asscoates is able to offer the following services at special bargain rates to Wall Street Institute students:
1) Language consultancy: Private lessons in English, in your own home, or, for young ladies only, at your local dance club or hamburger restaurant,
2) Business consultancy. All your business and marketing problems solved in a matter of minutes, simply by the application of the John Berry rapid success approach.
As you can imagine, the demand for these services is going to be enormous, so, in order to avoid disappointment, write (enclosing a generous check) as soon as possible.
Yours gratefully, 
John A. Berry
The change of John A Berry's face
Hello guys, it's been very nice to have a journey at speaking centre with you. See you soon in the real life :D

Wanna know more about Wall Street Institute, here they are:
Wall Street Institute Indonesia
Wall Street Institute (Center)

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! I studied in WSI nearly 15 years ago, I loved Jhon A Bery, he was so hillarious. I really always questioned to myself... who was the slim John Berry, is nice to remember him again. He was a great character.
